Clinically Relevant

The TALSA is practical and easy to use in clinical settings.

  • Flexible
    • Give the entire test, or...
    • A selection of subtests that can be scored independently.
  • Web-based
    • Administered on a computer or a tablet
    • Touch screen technology.
    • Instant scoring.
  • Sensitive
    • Highly specific, individualized aphasia profiles for all patients.
    • Identifies very mild aphasia in persons who score within normal limits on standard aphasia batteries.
    • Reveals underlying linguistic capabilities in persons with severe aphasia.

What is the TALSA?

The Temple Assessment of Language and Short-Term Memory in Aphasia (TALSA) is a diagnostic test battery that assesses the relationship between language and memory in people with aphasia.
  • Theoretical foundation: The TALSA is based on the most up to date research allowing clinicians to provide the latest therapies for their patients with aphasia.
  • Sensitivity: The TALSA is highly sensitive across the range of types and severity levels of aphasia enabling clinicians to fine tune therapy goals and thereby maximize the benefit for their patients.
  • Technology: The TALSA is a digital, web-based tool with automatic scoring providing clinicians with a time efficient way of testing their patients.

The TALSA consists of 16 subtests in three main areas:

  • Phonological processing (receptive and expressive)
  • Semantic processing (receptive and expressive)
  • Short-term memory tasks

Research Based

The TALSA is an evidence based test reflecting the most current research.

Understanding the cognitive foundations of language is a major area of investigation in the field of aphasia today. Short-term memory, working memory, attention, and executive function are primary focuses of study, and developing treatments for persons with aphasia is contingent on understanding the relationships among these elements.

  • For more information about research in the field, click here.
  • For a list of related publications by Dr. Martin and others, click here.